Introduction to 'Grow a sustainable business'
Do your customers look for eco-friendly products? Are you interested in cutting down on waste? Maybe you want to make sure your business is a fair place to work. Or you’re looking for ethical suppliers. All these are part of Environmental, Social and Governance – or ESG for short. ESG is all about helping you build a sustainable business.
This lesson can help you find out more. We’ll explain what ESG is, and give you practical advice on how to build it into your business. From working out your carbon footprint to creating products that are inclusive. Plus how to build sustainability into your strategy and operations.
What you'll learn
- Define Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and its three parts.
- Spot how ESG practices can benefit your business.
- Find practical ways to adopt these practices.
How long it takes
26 minutes
Why be sustainable?
Chapter 1
How long it takes
5 minutes
What is ESG?
Watch this video to learn about ESG and how it can help your business.

ESG's impact on business
ESG can be good for business. It impacts your customers, investors and your team, too. Let's take a look at some of the impacts it can have on the different people you interact with as a business.
The impact on your customers
In the UK, 1 in 3 of us regularly buy eco-friendly products. So it makes sense to offer products and services that meet this growing need. Customers are also four times more likely to buy from a brand with a strong sense of purpose. What did they feel was important? Fair treatment of all employees, plus products and services that reflect the needs of people today were the top two factors.
The impact on your investors
Sustainable organisations don’t just appeal to customers. They attract investors too. A recent study found 89% of global investors include ESG factors in their approach.
The impact on your team
60% of UK workers research an employer’s eco credentials as part of their job search. Focusing on sustainable initiatives, such as working from home and cycle to work schemes shows a caring attitude towards your team members and their communities.
More learning on the topic
Read more about the four-pillar strategy in the 1.5˚C Business Playbook.
Measure sustainability
Chapter 2
How long it takes
1 minute
Measuring environmental sustainability
To improve your sustainability, you need to take steps to reduce your carbon footprint and aim for 'net zero'.
Your carbon footprint refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere because of your activities.
Greenhouse gases are gases in the Earth's atmosphere that trap heat. They let sunlight pass through the atmosphere but prevent the heat from leaving.
Net zero is when the amount of carbon dioxide you add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount you take away through sustainable actions.
Understanding your own carbon footprint
You can use carbon measurement tools to see where you could reduce your emissions. There are free-to-use tools online that can help. These include the Carbon Footprint Calculator and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Calculation Tools. You can track your advances and monitor your organisations progress.
Smart meters can help you check your energy use. Energy monitoring systems take this one step further, to give you more detailed information. They will show you different areas of energy use, such as power-hungry equipment.
Ways to save money
You can reduce costs by making these changes. Reducing energy use is a good place to start.
Look too at waste management, digital tools and creative recycling ideas.
Improve the 'E' in ESG
Chapter 3
How long it takes
15 minutes
Start improving your environmental sustainability
We’ve talked about how to measure environmental sustainability. So where do you start?

Let’s look at each of the four pillars in the video. These are:
Reduce your own emissions
Reduce your value chain emissions
Integrate climate into your strategy
Influence climate action in society
Pillar 1 - Reduce your own emissions
Working from home can reduce traffic in cities and reduce pollution. It can also help cut costs and waste, as people use food they have at home rather than buying lunch. This reduces the use of single-use containers.
Chat with your team about good working from home practices. These could include switching off devices when they're not in use or making the most of their local recycling options.
This could be as simple as hosting meetings and events online to reduce travel.
Cloud-based data options can reduce the storage used on your own device. This can also extend their life.
Think about smart heating. These can make sure you're only heating your premises when people are in them. You can do this by using thermostats, timers and motion sensors.
Other options include using digital controls on devices. These sense when the device isn't in use and can shut it down to save power.
Did you know, it takes 24 trees to make one tonne of paper? In 2023, the UK consumed 5.4 million metric tons of packaging papers. By going paper-free, you could save money. You can also improve efficiency, cut down clutter and reduce your impact.
Review your paper-based resources. Where could you go digital? Recycle what you don't need and change your processes. For example, using social media can reduce the number of paper-based flyers, brochures and posters you create.
How do you package your products? Try exploring other options. There's plenty of ecological and recyclable ones to try.
What cleaning products do you use in your building? There are greener options for these too.
Switching to these options means you'll be putting fewer chemicals back into the environment. Most eco-friendly products come in green packaging too. So you'll be reducing your waste too.
Regularly check and improve your waste and recycling.
Check with your waste contractor to see if they recycle what you use. The waste taken can vary between companies. Plus, this may change over time, as the technology to process waste improves.
Always think about recycling or repurposing any equipment that you replace.
Is composting an option? You may need to check with the owner of your premises or your local council about this. You can put coffee grounds, non-plastic tea bags and other food waste into a compost bin.
Get back to basics and look at what you are using.
Thinking of buying something for your business? Ask yourself: do we really need this? What happens when we no longer want or need it?
What happens to the packaging? Are there upcycled or second-hand versions? This may be cheaper than new products. Plus, they often use higher-quality materials.
Do you keep equipment powered out of hours? This can be wasteful and expensive. Switching off will also help extend your equipment's lifespan, so it works better for longer. Why not create an easy 'switch on / switch off' checklist for your team?
Look at energy-saving options or other sources of energy. This might include:
- Replacing lights with LED bulbs, and using motion sensors to avoid lighting empty rooms.
- Using electric or hybrid transport options.
- When replacing equipment, check your options by using the Energy Technology List.
- Thinking about geothermal or ground source heat pumps for heating and cooling.
- Installing solar panels.
An example
An engineering firm is now saving £596, and 3.5 tonnes of greenhouse gases a year. They did this by putting in place a ‘Switch Off’ campaign to make sure their teams turn off computers after work.
Case study from SME Guide to Energy Efficiency (PDF, 1,636KB) – Department of Energy & Climate Change
Pillar 2 – Reduce your value chain emissions
Reduce your overall emissions
Reduce your emissions by working with others who have green initiatives. Take time to check potential suppliers to check their values match yours. Green providers has a list of suppliers that have green credentials.
Seek out local vendors and suppliers. If you work with a business that’s far away, you’ll be paying for transport costs. Nearby options can save you money and reduce your footprint. Your local Chamber of Commerce may be able to help.
Review your supply chain
A supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link. So, it’s important to look at the whole picture. Take Walmart’s ‘Project Gigaton’, for example. They aimed to reduce a gigaton of emissions from their supply chain by 2030. Between 2017 and 2021, they had already reduced over 500 million metric tons by working with suppliers. They focused on energy, waste, packaging, transport, and product design.
Work with your suppliers and vendors to reduce deliveries. Maybe you can group multiple orders together or arrange bulk deliveries? This will save everyone time and money and reduce your emissions.
Share your objectives
Make sure you are sending a clear message to your team. They should be seeking out environmentally sustainable partners.
Pillar 3 - Integrate sustainability into your strategy
Review your existing strategy
A sustainable strategy is important for growth and development. To see the financial return, improved reputation and positive impact, you need to plan any changes effectively.
Create sustainable products
The worldwide call to action on climate change might inspire you to create a new product or service that actively helps. Whether you’re starting from nothing or adapting your offer.
Embrace technology
Technology can help cut emissions by up to 35% - and improve efficiency. Artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, and Cloud can help. Check out process automation too, and tools to help you track and report your carbon use.
This is just the beginning of your path to sustainability.
Creating a plan to achieve your goals can be hard. At the same time, it becomes worth it when it helps get to the benefits of being sustainable.
Pillar 4 – Influence climate action in society
Compel action
You can encourage industry and government to act by:
- Getting involved with climate change projects.
- Supporting these projects financially.
- Supporting events that champion green solutions.
- Encouraging regulatory bodies to promote industry-wide action.
Engage others
Reducing most of the impact of waste will be in the power of your team.
Pick the right time to share your climate action plans with your team. Encourage ideas. Explain the benefits, from the improved bottom line to the freedom to work from home. Take time to discuss any questions or concerns they have. Make sure they feel responsible for driving change.
Why not appoint someone in your team to be a sustainability champion? They can coordinate green initiatives, keep everyone updated and increase their own knowledge.
Lead by example
By taking decisive action, you can:
Set an example to others in your team and beyond
Encourage your customers to make sustainable choices
Drive change within and outside your organisation
Think about what you'd like to achieve. Take 5 minutes to reflect on each of the four pillars and note the top 3 actions you think you could start to adopt.
Socially sustainable
Chapter 4
How long it takes
2 minutes
The impact your business has on people
The 'S' in ESG is all about how your business treats people.
We can measure this by looking at:
The way you treat your team, your partners and others around you.
The effect of your products and services on your customers and community.
The working practices of your suppliers, distributors and other partners.
How you treat your team and others
People want to feel safe and happy at work.
They look for companies that show:
- Fair wages and benefits.
- Safe and healthy work conditions.
- Diversity and inclusion.
- Absence of discrimination and harassment.
So how do you measure these?
Look at:
Your staff turnover rate, plus key or repeating themes from those who leave the business.
Metrics to show diversity and inclusion in recuitment, retention and progression.
Health and safety data, like accident and incident rates.
The best way to get an idea of how your team feel? Ask them! Use surveys or more informal chats to find out what they think it’s like to work for you.
How your products or services impact your customers and the wider community
As a business, you want to attract and keep customers. In return, they want products or services that are right for them.
You can measure this ‘getting it right for them’ by looking at:
- Complaints and how you resolve these.
- Customer satisfaction surveys and metrics.
- Links to / support of community projects.
How your suppliers and other partners work
When you look at your social responsibility, it’s good to check who you’re working with. This means your suppliers, vendors and others who help your business. You have a social commitment to them – and they have one to you. So look at how they treat their own customers (including you!) and employees.
Some things you can measure are:
- Whether they source ingredients and materials locally.
- Their working practices and conditions.
- How transparent your supply chain process is.
Improve the 'S' in ESG
Chapter 5
How long it takes
1 minute
Grow a more socially responsible business
Now we’ve looked at the social factors in ESG, let's look at a few ideas to get your started:
Create a 'purpose statement'
This links what you do to a broader, more meaningful benefit.
Support local community groups
Pick ones that are a good match with what you sell or provide.
Grow a diverse and inclusive team
Start by making sure you give equal pay for equal work.
Pick your partners and suppliers wisely
Make sure their ways of working and their ethics match your own.
Governance and your business
Chapter 6
How long it takes
1 minute
How Governance supports sustainability
Governance is about how you run your business.
It includes:
- Following rules and legislation.
- Having policies in place that reflect fair business practices.
- Being transparent in how you operate.
Governance and the ‘E’
Earlier, we listed steps you can take to make your business more environmentally sustainable. One of the things to do first is check that you’re compliant. You’ll find sector-specific guidance on the Government’s website.
When you look at this legislation, check your key obligations. Typical concerns include the use of water, raw materials and energy. They also include pollution, carbon emissions and waste management. You can carry out your own risk assessment to spot areas of concern. Work with your regulator to make sure you work within their rules.
Governance and the ‘S’
During our last two chapters, we looked at the social side of ESG. We listed key areas to focus on, for your team. You can put some of these in place by setting out workplace policies. These set the scene in terms of what you expect from everyone who works for you, and what they can expect from you.
Some laws address social issues, and these will guide you.
These include:
- Minimum wage
- Health and safety at work standards
- Anti-slavery laws
- Data privacy
- Whistleblower protection
Learn more about governance
Want to find out what laws and regulations apply to your business? Need help with getting started to write your policies supporting ESG? We have resources to help you.
Our Governance lesson can help you identify the key laws, guidance and documents you’ll need to get started.
Summary and next steps
Chapter 7
How long it takes
1 minute
What we've covered
In this lesson, we’ve given you information you need to make a start.
This includes:
- Definitions of ESG - What each part of this is, and how ESG can help your business.
- Practical steps to get you started - Environmental and social actions you can take.
- How governance helps - What this part of ESG does, plus useful further resources.
Next steps
Remember that this is just the start. It can all seem scary at first. But there are many organisations and initiatives to help. You can get support with free audits, advice and other resources.
Here are a few organisations who may be able to help:
The Federation of Small Businesses |
Their website includes the small business sustainability hub. This lists resources and events to help you achieve your goals. |
Fit for the Future |
This environmental sustainability network offers resources and support for charities and other organisations. |
The Energy Saving Trust |
The business page of this website includes a range of tools, fact sheets and other resources. You can search by location or sector. |
Department of Energy and Climate Change |
This government department created the SME Guide to Energy Efficiency (PDF: 1636KB). This is full of practical ideas and real case studies. |
Local authorities |
These often manage grants and funding for improving energy efficiency and sustainable innovation. So it’s worth checking so see what’s available in your area. |
Be aware
Some organisations offer ESG audits, but this is not currently regulated.
While the UK works to define a formal framework, you may find this article by the Sustainability magazine a useful source of guidance.
Related learning link
As you start to put ESG into your business, we have a range of learning resources with tips and guidance to help.
Lloyds Bank Academy is committed to providing information in a way that is accessible and useful for our users. This information, however, is not in any way intended to amount to authority or advice on which reliance should be placed. You should seek professional advice as appropriate and required. Any sites, products or services named in this module are just examples of what's available. Lloyds Bank does not endorse the services they provide. The information in this module was last updated on 20th August 2024.