Empower young people with financial skills (ages 16+)
Discover resources to help support young people as they transition to financial independence with vital financial skills, carefully designed to suit their needs.
Choose a topic
Topics come with a variety of support materials. The session packs include the resources needed to run an engaging one-to-one or group session either in person or virtually.

Protect yourself from fraud
We've created new resources for 16+ to help understand the changing nature of financial scams and how to stay one step ahead.
16+ Years | Videos

How to stay in control of your spending
Help young people to understand that different people have different attitudes towards and behaviours around money.
16+ Years | Session pack

Financial independence comes from earning your own money
Help young people to think about what they might do when they leave statutory education.
16+ Years | Session pack

Independent living: Managing living expenses
Help young people prepare for living independently with tools for managing their money.
16+ Years | Session pack

Saving and investing money: Making sense of the options
Help young people understand the importance and benefits of saving and the different approaches they could take.
16+ Years | Session pack

Borrowing money: Exploring borrowing and credit
Help young people understand benefits and risks of different types of borrowing.
16+ Years | Session pack

Risking money: Staying safe and in control
Help young people to understand the financial risks we all might encounter in life.
16+ Years | Session pack

Your Future Finances
In a series of six videos, Iona Bain, founder of Young Money Blog, will explore how to manage your money and the key issues which affect your finances.
16+ Years | Videos