What is an embargo?
An embargo shows the time limits for publishing a story. It asks the media hold off publishing before a certain date or time. They are used because the details of the story may be sensitive before a certain date and time. It may also be to create a bigger impact.
Example embargoes:
- Financial results - If this story were to be released early, it could have an impact on the markets.
- Royal and political visits - An early release of this story means that routes and places for the visit would be known. This could have an impact on the security for the visit.
- Product launches - If all media run the story of a product launch at the same time, it will have a greater effect.
- Award winners - By giving the media early notice of winners, they have time to write articles and record interviews.
Do you really need an embargo?
Be sparing with embargoes. If it really doesn't matter when your story lands, then don't include one. This gives the media more freedom as to when they can run your story.
If your story is time sensitive or the media will be keen to 'break the news' as soon as possible an embargo will help. It will permit research and interviews to be done.
What does an embargo look like?
An embargo would usually appear in red, bold, capital letters across the top of your press release. Basically, ensuring it cannot be missed. It would usually take the format of:
You must be very careful as to how you state the time so that there's no confusion. Had we said 'embargoed until 00.00 Monday 21 March' in the example above, it might be unclear whether we meant midnight on Sunday or midnight on Monday.
Think about how the timing of your embargo might affect the news coverage you secure e.g. an embargo of 10.00 am will likely mean your story won't appear on breakfast TV programmes the next day as they'll have missed the chance to cover the story on the day it broke, and it will be old news by the time of their next programme.
Is an embargo guaranteed?
The media can ignore the embargo you put of your press release. But they risk not getting future press releases.
The media have broken embargoes in the past to claim a 'scoop'. But this is frowned upon by their own industry.